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Support Our Mission of Preservation

Support the Foundation

Our passion for preserving the history of the Denmark area can only become a reality with your support. If you are passionate about Kansas history, have family in or around the Denmark area, or simply want to keep the history of small town America alive, we would greatly appreciate any donation to our foundation. You can make a charitable donation below, and if you want to learn more about Denmark history, you can support us by purchasing either Beyond the Prairie Wind or our new cookbook with recipes from our area's unique culture!

Donate to the Foundation

Books About Denmark

We are incredibly proud that Denmark was the subject of author Ruth Sorenson's book, Beyond the Prairie Wind. It tells the stories of the Danish immigrants who first settled the area, documenting their struggles and triumphs as they set out to make a home in the Great Plains. Additionally, we are proud to present a book of recipes from Denmark! For over a century, Denmark residents have been fusing traditional Danish fare with modern American cuisine, and we think you'll love trying out some of the unique recipes in this book.

Current Project

A museum/cultural center in the restored Andreson Building displaying examples of artwork by early Denmark residents and their descendants.

Future Projects

Convert the remaining units in the Andreson building, one into an incubator space for artists and artisans and the other into a coffee shop with a relaxing environment.

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